New Year Message from XPERISUS

Despite the continued uncertainty in the travel and tourism industry caused by the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, tense situations in the Middle East, in 2023, there were signs of revitalization in the inbound market due to the advent of the post-COVID era and Yen depreciation.
Looking ahead to the recovery and revitalization of the inbound market in the post-COVID era, the Japanese Government aims for 60 million foreign visitors and 15 trillion yen in consumption by 2030. Notably, "High-Net-Worth Individual" and “Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individual”, who spend more than 1 million yen in consumption excluding their transportation costs, have a high-growth rate and are expected to create a market of several trillion yen in consumption. Additionally, since Japan does not have the capacity to accommodate 60 million visitors, the Tourism Agency is focusing heavily on "adding high value" and "decentralization to the countryside."
This is precisely the business area where XPERISUS excels.
We position 2024-2025 as a period of business growth, stepping on the accelerator to boldly expand our business.
XPERISUS will continue to strive for an overwhelming positioning in the tourism industry, a core industry of Japan, by upholding our vision of "creating fans of Japan worldwide by solving social issues through the enhancement of travel and experiences."
