Signs and Terms

Travel Agency Registration License

Scope of Activities: Overseas and Domestic Travel
License Number: Tokyo Metropolitan Government Registration No.2-7580
Date of License: May 24, 2018
Term of Validity: May 24, 2023 ~May 23, 2028
Company name: XPERISUS Inc.
Office: Head Office
Certified Travel Service Manager(s): Kazuho Masuda・Shota Nishimitsu

Customer Service Helpdesk

Mail Address:
Phone number: 03-4405-5456 (Weekdays 10:00~17:00)

Standard Terms and Conditions for Made-to-Order Tours

Standard Travel Industry Terms and Conditions - Section on Customized Planning Travel Contracts
Special Compensation Provisions

Arranged Travel

Standard Travel Industry Terms and Conditions - Section on Arranged Travel Contracts

Travel Business Handling Fee Schedule

Travel Business Handling Fee Schedule

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